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How To Create A Personality Quiz +

Learn how to create a personality + quiz

Kaisa Kokkonen avatar
Written by Kaisa Kokkonen
Updated over a week ago


Once you decide to create a persona (outcome) quiz and click on the create new quiz –  your first step is to name your quiz. The steps are almost identical to the scored quiz except you do not have scores. Why? There are no right and wrong answers..each answer is affiliated with an outcome/persona.
Naming your project  will help you find your quiz among “my projects” by this name later on via search.
The project name is only visible to you.  Do not forget to SAVE.

You can also upload a logo at this stage if you want – and align it.

TIP: You can give the quiz later a headline (title) and subhead if you want to.


You need to choose a template for your quiz from the options available.

Do NOT forget to SAVE


You must create your outcomes based on the answers – list of possible “personas”.

For example superman, ENJT (personality type), entrepreneur – or in our super simplistic quiz we are figuring out WHAT CAR SHOULD YOU DRIVE? Your personas (outcomes) will be hybrid, convertible, SUV, sportscar etc

TIP:  If you are planning to create a persona quiz, figure out the personas (outcomes) first instead of creating questions and answers. It is much easier.


Once your template is selected you will be directed to CREATE NEW QUESTION.
Below you will see that many questions already have been added to our example quiz.
The first time you come to this screen you obviously have no questions on the left side – and all questions are on the same PAGE (right) unless you decide otherwise.

You have multiple types of questions and answers – including images – to choose from.

You write your question in the text box – and you have quite a bit of ability to edit that text.

Below are you choices for answers:
Multiple choice – select one
Multiple choice – select all that apply
Multiple choice – dropdown list
Multiple choice – image answers
One choice – image answers
Short answer
Long answer
Date and/or time
Question Rating
Question Upload file
Question Lead

Additional options:
1. Require an answer for this question
2. Randomize answer choices for each respondent
3. Display image under question text – this will make the image larger

Each answer should be typed in a separate field.
To add any additional answers just click on the PLUS (+) sign on the right, remove answers click on MINUS (1) sign.
For multiple choices you must have at least 2 answers.

Allow “Other” as an answer option means that your participants can add their own answer in the adjacent “other” field.


If you need to add a headline and subhead you can do it anytime.  If you plan to post this quiz on YOUR website, you don’t need to do that because you can use WordPress (or other CMS) to add any text/edit your site. Use the toggle editor to switch from simple text field to full editor that allows you to do any styling you want to.


You see three (3) icons horizontally above the screen under recommendations  – Intro, Individual Answers and Grades.


With DilogR you can provide your customers and prospects with custom content based on the way that they answer questions.
You can provide them with recommendations or feedback of any kind based on their individual answers and/or based on their score (for quizzes).
You can create these recommendations on the recommendations page and then you can choose where you would like your customers and prospects to view these recommendations.
There are 3 places that you can include these recommendations:

  1. You can place these recommendations on the “Thank You Page” that people see immediately after completing your survey/quiz/video. Go to “Thank You Page Settings” after you have created your recommendations.

  2. You can place these recommendations in an autoresponder email that you send to people immediately after completing your survey/quiz/video. Go to “Email Settings” after you have created your recommendations to place these recommendations into your autoresponder email.

  3. You can place these recommendations inside of a downloadable report that gets sent out as part of your autoresponder email.Go to “Email Settings” after you have created your recommendations to place these recommendations into a downloadable report.

Click on Individual Answers [above] to create recommendations based on how people answer.
Click on Grades [above] to create recommendations based on scoring Range.

Recommendation for Individual Answers

Use this section to create recommendations based on Individual answers. Click on “Add Recommendation” to create a recommendation for any answer. You can create recommendations for all of the answers or just a few.
Recommendation for Grades
Use this section to create recommendations (or feedback) based on Grades. Click on “Add Recommendation” below to create a recommendation for any grade.

You can create your scoring ranges under the “Grades” Icon. Once you have created your grades.
Click on “Add Recommendation” below to create a recommendation for any grade.

These recommendations will appear in order one after the other wherever you choose to place (i.e Thank You Page , Autoresponder Email , PDF Report , etc.)

Grade List By Total Score:

These recommendations will appear in order one after the other wherever you choose to place (i.e Thank You Page , Autoresponder Email , PDF Report , etc.)

Personas list

Use this section to Create recommendations based on outcomes.

Click on “Add Recommendation” below create a recommendation for any persona.

These recommendations will appear in order one after the other wherever you choose to place (i.e Thank You Page , Autoresponder Email , PDF Report , etc.)


Add/Edit Recommendations, edit/add Infusionsoft tags, edit/add Ontraport tags


Lead Capture

Lead Capture Settings

Follow the steps below to create a lead capture form that will appear at the beginning or end of your persona quiz, whichever you choose. You can also set the form to appear at a specific time on your video timeline.

1. Select where you would like to display your form.

  • At the end of the persona quiz

  • At the beginning of the persona quiz (before the person begins the persona quiz)

  • Do not include a lead capture form

*NOTE:* If you promised a free eBook or other product for taking your survey, you will want to create a link here in this email and/or on the Thank You Page for your attendees to click on.

2.Lead Fields (limit 20).

Want to add custom lead fields?
Add new lead field – if you click that button a pop-up appears giving you all the options available.

3.UPPER TEXT: Enter the text that will appear above your lead capture form.

  • Display Overwrite Confirm (in case quiz taker has already completed the Persona Quiz)

  • Hide opt-in form if form fields are present in URL Parameter ( if you include the user’s email address or other identifying information in the URL, you can hide the opt-in form and collect information without requiring the user enter their information again. For example, if you send them a link in the email to take your survey or watch your video, you can send the link as [email protected]  They will not see any opt-in form and their answers will be collected and liked to them)

  • Do not send participant details to external sites (If you redirect someone to a different page after they take your survey or watch your video you can choose whether to pass their information through – or not – in the URL. If you check this box, DilogR will NOT pass through their information to sites that you direct them to)

  • Add a skip button to the lead capture form (allow users to skip the lead capture form, if you want the lead capture form to appear but be optional)

Toggle Advanced Options

This needs clear explanations – maybe direct to another post to explain all possible options…what all these commands, how do you change color, maybe some codes..what if I want rounded buttons…different sizes etc

Email Settings

Enable autoresponder

You can set up an autoresponder email to be sent from the DilogR system. This is a great opportunity to say thank you to your customers and friends for their feedback and give them any rewards that you promised.

Simply enter your name in the “from name” field, include a subject line for your email and create your autoresponder using the text editor (you have the option to use the HTML editor to customize the look of the email and add any coupon/reward images).

*NOTE:* If you promised a free ebook or other product for taking your survey, you will want to create a link here in this email and/or on the Thank You Page for your attendees to click on.

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