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How do I create a scored quiz?

Information about how to make scored quizzes with DilogR

Kaisa Kokkonen avatar
Written by Kaisa Kokkonen
Updated over a week ago

The DilogR team has created a wizard that walks you these different steps when you create a scored quiz. You already know what a scored quiz is – right?

This just means your quiz has questions that have scores (points).

These are the steps we'll take:

  1. Quiz Title

  2. Background

  3. Questions

  4. Scoring Ranges

  5. Lead Capture

  6. Quiz Results Page

  7. Social Sharing Settings

  8. Start Page

  9. Integrations

  10. Distribute Quiz

  11. Analytics


You see the 11 steps on the left side bar. The first step is to name your quiz. There is an Internal Project Title and a Project Title. The Internal Project Title will show up in your projects menu. The Project Title is what your clients will see if they take the quiz. It is important to note that the Internal Project Title shows up on the internet tab so it is always best to make them match.

You will find this quiz among “my projects” by this name later on via search.

Our sample quiz title is a somewhat provocative “Would Steve Jobs Actually Approve Your Investor Presentation?”

Your quiz takers will see this same title.


Select your background type

Pick one of the default colors for background or use the color picker to select your own color. You can also pick an inner background color for the area right around the quiz. 

You can also use an image.

Upload a background image or select from one of your previously uploaded images

In this particular quiz we chose to use a picture for the background.

Do NOT forget to SAVE.


When you first enter the "Questions" portion of the Scored Quiz Creator, the page will look quite plain. You have to click on the "Add new question" section to open up the question creator. 

You have multiple types of questions and answers – including images – to choose from.

You write your question in the text box – and you have quite a bit of ability to edit that text.

Below are you choices for answers:

  • Multiple choice – select one

  • Multiple choice – select all that apply

  • Multiple choice – image answers

  • One choice – image answers

  • Yes/No

  • True/False

  • Long answer

  • Question Lead

Additional options:

  1. Require an answer for this question

  2. Randomize answer choices for each respondent

  3. Include a “continue” button that people click to go to the next question

  4. Display image under question text – this will make the image larger

You can also choose whether you show the correct answer either after each question, or at the end of the quiz.

You can give POINTS for each answer.

Above the correct answer you see “No redirect link set”.

You see an option on the right “ADD REDIRECT

If you click on “CORRECT ANSWER” below each answer option (On the left) a text box opens that allows you to provide feedback – up to 200 characters.

You also see signs for + and – on the right to add/remove answers.

Note: After you are finished adding all your questions, the page will look like the image below.

At the bottom of the page you can select:

Choose the alignment for the next button
Left Center Right

Display a “Back” Button
No Yes

Continue Button Text:
Back Button Text:


You will be able to give quiz takers individual feedback based on their scoring ranges.

Separate the total possible points for your quiz into scoring ranges.
You can create broad scoring ranges such as 0-3 = Novice, 4-8 = Intermediate, 9-10 = Expert or 8-10 = Pass, 0-7 Fail.

Or you can create specific scoring ranges such as Between 0 and 0 = 0 out of 10, Between 1 and 1 = 1 point out of 10, Between 2 and 2 = 2 points out of 10, etc.

If you don’t want to give individualized feedback based on scoring ranges, then simply set up 1 scoring range called “completed quiz” with a point range of 0 – 10 (if your quiz is out of 10 points) or 0 – 20 (if your quiz is out of 20 points).


If you want a lead capture form, turn that switch on, if you don’t want a lead capture form keep the switch “OFF” and move on to the next step.

First, select where you would like to display your form.

  • At the end of the simple scored quiz

  • At the beginning of the simple scored quiz (before the simple scored quiz begins)

  • Do not include lead capture form (keep responses anonymous)

Next, click below to edit the lead capture text and buttons. You can click directly on the lead capture form text to edit it. 

Do not forget to SAVE!

3. Lead Fields (limit 20).

You can add any lead fields we have available or create your own Custom Lead Field

4. Advanced Options, Privacy Policy and GDPR
You also have the option to hide the lead capture form if you are sending your quiz to someone on your mailing list. You can also give clients the option to skip the lead capture form.
Finally, we give you the option to include your Privacy and GDPR Policies. You can edit the text for both and include a link to the policy on your site. 


The results page relates to your scoring ranges in Step 4. In this Steve Jobs quiz example we had results such as:
Novice – Beginner – Intermediate – Champion in Making

You can make those pages “prettier” with images attached to each one of them.

You can also include detailed descriptions, links, videos etc You have a power editor to format your text as you want to.

In addition, you may redirect to another page after you clients view their results. All you have to do is paste in the url you want them to go to. You can also set a time for redirection and edit the redirect button below. 


After a person takes your Simple Scored Quiz you can give them the option to share their result with their friends on social media.

The share icons will appear on the “Thank You Page” that is shown upon completion of the Simple Scored Quiz.

Use this section to setup the “Share Your Result” options.

Select which share buttons to enable on the “Thank You Page ” (if you don’t want to allow sharing, leave the buttons unchecked)
Facebook Twitter Linkedin Pinterest

Check to enable social sharing on quiz front.

Advanced options

Enter the URL where people will take your Simple Scored Quiz.
If you are using the DilogR Simple Scored Quiz page (microsite), just leave this setting as it is.

If you are embedding the quiz on your website or another page, enter the URL of the page where you are embedding the quiz.

As you likely want to post the quiz score or the segment name on the social media posts, make your selection on this page as well,
Share title: I Got “~Quiz.Score~” out of ~Quiz.MaxScore~ on “~Project.Headline~”. Take the quiz.

Share title: I Got “~Quiz.SegmentName~” on “~Project.Headline~”. Take the quiz.

Preview Social Media Posts

You can also select quiz score to preview.

Please note:  On LinkedIn posts we cannot always control which image is posted. LinkedIn will select an image from the URL of the page you are sharing.If you are sharing a page from your site where the quiz is embedded LinkedIn may use different images from your site for the post image.


Start page allows you to choose how you would like beginning of the quiz appear – with a start page or no start page (showing question 1 or lead capture).

You can also add an image (optional).

How would you like the beginning of your quiz to appear?

  • Show a start page

  • Option 2: No start Page (immediately show Question 1 or Lead Capture)

You can also enter custom code and set the preview so you don't have to answer the questions under the start page. However, when entering custom code, please be careful. A small mistake here can disable your entire quiz. 


If you would like to integrate your quiz with an email provider, marketing automation system, or CRM system click “Select Integrations” and choose which systems to integrate with. If you
don’t want to integrate with other systems click “Distribute” to distribute your quiz.

For example: Use the buttons at the top of the page to select how you would like to integrate with Infusionsoft.

You can tag based on different behaviors. This “assessment tag” section allows you to tag everyone who completes your quiz.
Select the tag below that you want to apply to everyone who completes your quiz.

You can select from your existing tags or create a new tag:

Note: By turning on the Infusionsoft integration, any leads captured on this quiz will automatically be added to Infusionsoft. If the contact already exists in Infusionsoft, that contact will be updated with any new tags, etc. If the contact does not exist in Infusionsoft, a new contact will be created.

If you would like to turn off the integration with Infusionsoft, click “select integrations” above and remove the integration with Infusionsoft for this quiz.


As soon as it is published you are ready to share it with the world. You get the embed code that you can use to post the quiz on your site. You can see a preview what the quiz will look like when it is embedded. Of course the quiz is also responsive so it looks stunning on any device.

Even after it gets published you can always go back and edit it if you decide to make any changes.

You can share your quiz directly to social media, edit and copy the link or embed your quiz on a webpage. 

You can also create a pop up that displays your quiz. 

We also have an option to publish for affiliates. 

Finally, you have the option to convert your project into a new project. Just remember that converting your project will delete your old project. 


Soon as the quizzes are out in the world you can track the stats.

Quiz Stats

  • Views

  • Starts

  • Completions

  • Leads Captured

Quiz Ratios

  • Start Rate ( Starts / Views )

  • Completion Rate ( Completions / Starts )

  • Opt-in Rate Per View ( Leads Captured / Views )

  • Opt-in Rate Per Start ( Leads Captured / Starts )

  • Opt-in Rate Per Completion ( Leads Captured / Completions )

  • Share Rate Per View ( Shares / Views )

  • Share Rate Per Start ( Shares / Starts )

  • Share Rate Per Completion ( Shares / Completions )

We have plenty of Analytics states for your to use. You can also see who took the quiz and how long they took it.
Up at the top, you can see your integrations as well. 

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